Scout and Guide Method for adults
What is the Method? The word “method” may have different meanings. It is the way one behaves, the process to reach a goal or to solve a problem. It is the adopted attitude. J.E. Russel, quoted by R. Baden Powell in the book “Aids to scoutmasterhip”, writes: «The most astonishing aspect is not the scout/guide …. Read More
Scout/Guide Law for adults
The scout/guide Law is linked to a Promise, through which we join the big family of scouting and guiding.Our individual lives are oriented toward reaching the deepest understanding of the scout/guide Law, which provides us with a perpetual rule for evaluating and living. Click here to download
Booklet of Ideas
This booklet has been published to give inspiration to the work in the local guild. The content of this booklet does not pretend to be complete in any way. It is just a collection of suggestions and ideas to choose between or to be inspired by. Click to download
ISGF-AISG : Our worldwide organisation
Scouting and Guiding for adults? Birth of an organisation for adult scouts and guides? Who is the ISGF? How is the ISGF organised and what for? Why should an adult belong to the ISGF? How to join the ISGF and how to start a National Fellowship? What does the ISGF do?….and many more answers to …. Read More
Strategic Partnership: ISGF & UNHCR
This theme brings together our two organizations, the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), attesting to the shared ideal of working for peace in the world. A strong partnership was first established in 2007 and several joint missions have emerged to give life to this collaboration. …. Read More
Old Thoughts – New Visions
The idea behind this booklet is to give a glimpse into Baden-Powell’s life, thoughts and methodical attempts to put words into action. Baden-Powell was not only interested in the Scout and Guide Movements; he was also very concerned about current affairs. download here – Old Thoughts – New Visions
Finances, fundraising, economics is only a mean to achieve our mission, our vision and our goals. Therefore, always have this in mind working with finances in ISGF. The main question in all financial matters is a question of responsibility. All our activities in our fellowship are based on the scout law and promise. However, we …. Read More
Emergency Assistance
Watching the news from around the world, we realize that we must be prepared to react to the catastrophes that happen all time in different parts of the world.Civil Defense is not only the responsibility of the Government Organizations or the Public Authorities, it’s the duty of all members of society to support it. download …. Read More
Book of Projects
All over the world, ISGF members had, have and plan many projects to develop their Members, Scouting and Guiding and the community..This small “Book of Projects” is a very important tool from all of us members of ISGF.What an enormous diversity of projects, examples of the activities of our members all over the world complementing …. Read More
Interreligious Dialogue
Most of us when making the Scout or Guide Promise, mentioned ”Duty to God” the God of each other religion. Nowadays each Scout or Guide Association chooses the way they want to express their Promise. To a Higher Power, to the beliefs of each member or some other expression.For us adults in ISGF, being believers, …. Read More